Getting The Life Of Your Dreams Comes Down To One Thing...
Imagine A Future Where You:

Move Through Life With Unshakable Confidence & Crystal Clarity,
and the undeniable knowing in your core that you can do anything you set your mind to. You intuitively know how to attract the dream clients and deeply loving relationships you desire...and it WORKS!
Your internal self-talk has never been so naturally you traded your inner critic for an inner cheerleader. You deeply trust yourself as you do life, business, and relationships YOUR way.

Have The Power To Change ANY Limiting Pattern In Your Life So You Truly Thrive,
as you eliminate obstacles between your and your dream life such as limiting beliefs, fears, insecurities, emotional wounds, and self-sabotage.
Where you change whatever habits, relationships, business strategies you need, and rewire your unconscious mind to get the life you desire.

Radiate Energy That Attracts Dream Clients, Wealth & Loving Relationships
because you fully embody the energy of YES to yourself. Instead endlessly grinding, burning yourself out, or bending over backwards for clients and relationships who ultimately drain you...
your energy calls in high-end clients ready to get life-changing results with you, celebrity clients, soul tribe friends, soulmate partners, and an easeful flow of abundance that makes you want to pinch yourself!

A Future Where You...
🔥 Make more money than ever before by doing what truly lights you up in business, with exciting clients who make your work feel like PLAY
🔥 Conduct your relationships, business, and life so that you truly THRIVE (not just get by or feel comfortable!)
🔥 Magnetize high-end dream clients and deeply loving relationships instead of efforting for them
🔥 Feel free to create your dream life from a place of unrestricted self-love, self-expression, worthiness, and joy
Welcome To The AlcheME Method
Hey Friend! I'm Dan,
Your Guide to Life-Altering Transformations, and Yelp's #1 Life Coach in LA since 2017
In my 13 years of coaching, I’ve helped hundreds of 6-9 figure Coaches & Entrepreneurs do things like:
👊🏻 Go from $0 sales in a year to $3.5MM sales in 4 months
👊🏻 Manifest and marry their perfect partners (as in, exactly what they wrote down they wanted)
👊🏻 Go from $1MM to $3MM in sales in 4 weeks

- AND -
⚡ Create more significant business & personal relationships in 3 months than in the previous 7 years
⚡ Increase followers from 20k to 140k in weeks, leading to a series of “best ever” months in sales
⚡ Cut work weeks down by up to 26 hours every week, while increasing profits
⚡ Feel more easeful, confident, self-loving, self-trusting, valued, and genuinely happy than ever before

I know how to do this because I spent the last 21 years cultivating the knowledge and experience to figure it out.
In that amount of time...
📖 I got a BS in Cognitive Science
📚 9 Certifications in Transformational Methods (NLP, Hypnosis, Positive Psychology, Quantum Mechanics, Vedic Spirituality)
🕉 Spent 1.5 years in a Hindu spiritual cult (check the podcast for WILD stories about that)
🇮🇳 Lived in ashrams in India
🇹🇭 Meditated for months in Thailand
🇲🇽 🇵🇪Worked with shamans in Mexico & Peru
🤓 And read over 1000 books on neuroscience, psychology, quantum mechanics, spirituality, and transformation.
I’m a relentless student of life, ruthlessly dedicated to the pursuit of self-actualization, healing, and sharing what I've learned.
This is what I was born to do.
There's no other way to explain how I was Yelp’s #1 Life Coach in LA for 6 years in a row and built a multi-6 figure business without knowing a thing about business (I built it on magnetization alone!)